Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The boy who sued Jesus.

School Board to Pay in Jesus Prayer Suit
Struggling to Squelch an Internet Rumor

I emailed these articles to a few people when they first came out a few weeks ago, but it's worth putting them up again, I think. I found the juxtaposition of these two articles bizarre and interesting. (When they were first published, they were right next to each other on the Education section home page.) On the one hand, people (on the Internet) are ready to spring into action against what they see as a slight against Jews, even if it's a complete falsehood and based on assumptions of the "backwardness" of Kentuckians. On the other hand, people actually don't like the Jews in some places, because we hate Jesus, apparently. (And in the backwards state of... Delaware?) So I guess the national spirit is, "We don't like the Jews, but at least they're better than those Muslim types." Alarming.

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